Tips to Grow Your Facebook Following

By Nicole Danneker

Over two billion people in the world have an active Facebook account. Sixty-eight percent of adults in the United States use Facebook, 51 percent using it several times a day. Obviously, Facebook is a household name and is an excellent platform to advertise your business and to provide easily accessible information to your followers.

Facebook advertising is now down to a science. Here are some tips and tricks from Planful Marketing to grow your page, and to make it as effective as possible.

Know Your Target Audience

Facebook has an internal “Insights” feature for business accounts where you can see the peak times people see your posts. Study the graph to find the optimal times each day to post, so you are reaching your followers at the best time and getting the most out of your posts. This also allows you to see which of your posts get the most reach, allowing you to create optimal copy for your audience as you test out different content ideas.

Paid advertisements on Facebook can be targeted towards the specific demographic you are looking to reach. With these ads, your copy is essential. It should be both compelling and descriptive, with a call-to-action. It is also a good idea to direct the viewers to your website or subscription sign up to get an immediate return. Creating ads can be tricky on Facebook, so do your research on the policy of your business type’s content.

“Content is King”

Personal and relatable content generally gets more interaction and reach than other content. People who follow your business are doing so to feel a personal connection to the inner-workings of your business, stay updated, as well as be entertained. But, balance is important, as you want your viewers to understand the mission and goal of your business and what you do/sell in addition to making your page fun to explore.

There are several ways to boost engagement in your posts. One is to create polls. This is beneficial to you in many ways. You get the opinion and voice of your followers of an aspect of your business to take into consideration and creates a popular post to lead others to your page. Another way to engage your followers is to use video. Posts with video are more likely to be shared than posts with photos, or just copy.

Another aspect of your content to keep in mind is the timeliness and timelessness of your posts. Meaning, posts that are specific to the day, time of year, month, etc. and posts that are recyclable no matter the time, should be kept in balance in your feed.

Personalize Your Page

Adding specialized notes, events, and services on your page allows people to get an even better idea of your business and culture. Creating an event not only promotes your business and event, but people can RSVP, giving an idea of a number of people to plan for. RSVP notifications in the feed creates interest and are effective in growing reach. A Facebook event also creates a specialized group for that event where people can share their excitement.


To make sure your efforts are making an impact, it is important to keep a record of your reach and interaction numbers, as well as followers. A good way to do this is to keep a spreadsheet and update it every month. If your efforts are not effective and boosting your numbers, there is something that needs to be changed.

Planful Marketing is here to help you grow your Facebook page and to turn your audience into customers. If you’ve created your own Facebook marketing strategy, what have you found works for you?